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Tuesday, March 9, 2010


While I haven't seen the movie 2012, I have been listening to all the chatter about the soon-to-be end of the world. I'm reminded of lyrics from some songs, "You tell me over and over and over again, my friend, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction," and "We've gotta get out of this place, if it's the last thing we ever do," and "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine." First, I don't believe anybody has been able to pinpoint and document time. I believe in the guy who said it was all relative. It might be his hair. Anyway, for argument's sake, let's say some people have put together Mayan predictions with biblical prognostications and added them to some notions from I Ching and have determined the end of the world is actually going to happen on December 21, 2012. I think that everyone who accepts this as reality should put their money where their mouths are and buy, buy, buy. They should create and end of the world stimulus package that benefit other believers and non-believers alike, since we're all going at the same time. They should start picking out their outfits for that day, buy luxury items that they otherwise might not be able to afford. Stop paying their credit cards bills (after maxing them out and opening more), their mortgage, their rent, their insurance, their car payments... But wait, what if their employers believe the end is near? They could cut off paychecks or just write bogus checks or pay them with Monopoly money. Then what? What if politicians believe the end is near? They might just stop legislating and sit around and drink and have affairs. Wow - they must already believe it. What if people in Denmark knew? They might senselessly slaughter dolphins and whales for sport. And what about the Canadians? They might serve seal meat as an entree. What if evryone knew? They might chop down the tropical rain forest, or take elephant tusks for trinkets, or wathc animals fight for fun, or eat animals' parts to amke them verile, or kill each other over religious disputes. Imagine the horrible acts people might engage in if they knew the end was near. What if the United States Supreme Court knew? They would make it easy for everyone to own an automatic weapon as a right to protect themselves from the non-believers. Hey, our buying spree might turn into a shooting spree. That's no good. We need shoppers, not shooters. The world's economy could right itself in mere days, if all the believers would simply embrace their faith and shop 'til you drop. After all, it's not the economy, it's not jobs, it's the end of the world, stupid!

Then I thought, what if everyone could be convinced the end is near and they feared meeting their maker for the atrocities they have committed? What if everyone came together and embraced the natural beauty of all life? What if they destroyed all their weapons and worked in peace and harmony?

Then I thought, who am I kidding? The people who believe the end is near are the same people who claim evolution is either a sham, or survival of the fittest is the creed of the day. I'm getting a headache. The end of the blog must be near.

That's all for now . . .