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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sdona Excentric

It's been a while. A lot has happened around the world - floods, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, oil spills - myriad natural disasters and tragic stories. Some tragedies are not natural but worthy of mention - a Mosque a couple of blocks from an attack in New York, the World Trade Center. More than 90 countries lost citizens September 11, 2001. This horrific and cowardice attack was carried out by an extremist group of radical Islamic fundamentalists. Since then, many Americans seem to want to hold all Muslims responsible. I have trouble with that. As a recovering Catholic, I ponder the accusations from some that all Catholics are bad because of the actions of some of their priests, or their relation to the slaughters of the varius Crusades or their role in the Spanish Inquisition or the Norman Conquest. Some believe Catholics click their heels three times and say, "There's no place like Rome." How about those Episcopalians, allowing homosexual clergy? Will some contend that all Episcopalians are or will be homosexual? If so, let's deny them the right to build their places of worship. Let's not forget those polygamist Mormons. Most men fantasize about being with more than one woman, but married to more than one! Should we deny them the right to continue their faith and gather to worship in future Tabernacles? How were Buddhists allowed in Hawaii and Japan after they attacked Pearl Harbor? There are 7 Temples listed on Wikipedia, along with 7 Shinto Shrines. Since most Japanese relate to either Buddhism or Shinto, should Hawaii bar their places of worship? Extremists from any group scare me. They are willing to further their agenda at any cost. Sadly, my baby-boomer brothers and sisters seem to be missing from the ranks of the shouters of true freedom - including the freedom for any religion to build wherever they are legally permitted to do so. No wonder Green Day is so popular with today's American youth. I was thinking of standing on a corner with a sign on a pole that reads: God Hates All Protesters! But, I'm afraid too few would get it! Today, I read that Roger Clemens has been indicted by a grand jury for lying to Congress about his personal use of a substance that could have brought potential harm only to himself. I recall military officials lying about arms trades and tobacco company owners lying about the addictiveness and harm of cigarettes and oil barons lying about the safety of their rigs and refineries and NOT ONE of them has been indicted for the line of bull they spewed under oath. People who have directly caused serious harm to their fellow Americans and have even been involved in products or events that have taken lives have walked out of Congress never to be heard from again. But an athelete who juiced to enhance his performance - that's something that can't be tolerated - not in this country. Who does he think he is? He shot a strange substance into his body, bulked up, thew small balls at sultans of swat and possibly lied about gaining an edge. Clemens' greatest guilt is that he just didn't contribute to enough political campaigns. America is embroiled in two wars, facing one of the greatest depressions of all times, unemployment is rampant, people live in constant fear or depression, our climate is changing, our political system is morally bankrupt and we're publicly dragging the multiple Cy Young Award winner to face Congress about steroids! The inmates have finally seized total control of the asylum! I'm thinking of rubberizing all the walls in my home. Then, bouncing off them would leave fewer scars and bruises. If this continues, I may install the tequila cooler I have had my eye on for the past 10 years. I still have hope, clinging perilously onto the swaying branch of reason.

That's all for now . . .