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Monday, January 10, 2011

Latest from Arizona

Observed moment of silence in respect for recent fallen and injured and their families in what is being called Tragedy in Tucson. Finger pointing has begun, and quotes from politicians, pundits, media hosts and the like are being attributed to the motive of the gunman.
They're all right and they're all wrong. I don't believe it is any one statement or gesture or accusation or threat that causes an unstable gun owner to decide to murder people. I believe it is the fervent fevor of society in general and our acceptance of inane thoughts and gestures.
Juan Williams says you can't blame the rhetoric of the right for the Tragedy in Tucson. He's right. But, that doesn't mean there wasn't an influence from the Palin crosshairs and Nevada's Engle who suggested her constituents exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights and take out Harry Reid. Of possible influence was the ad that Giffords herself posted toting an automatic rifle. And the Mama Bear statment of don't retreat, reload.
Put those thoughts and images in the twisted mind a derranged gun owner on the edge and maybe he decides it's his responsibility to take out this dangerous politician who opposes his views.
The mentioning of poilitical rhetoric comes in play because a Congresswoman was shot, an attempted political assasination, but hundreds of people are shot every day for anger, love, jealousy, drugs, money, spite, revenge, initiation, sport, and nobody mentions political rhetoric.
While watching footbal games this weekend I was struck by the insensitive nerve of two commercials in particular, both by Bud Light Beer. One showed a driver waiting for his truck while mechanics stole his cargo and partied under the bay, lying to him about his truck's problem and continuing with the celebration. The second involved a couple of thugs holding hostages and making wild demands because they found Bud Light. It sounds innocent enough an is made humorous by thie outrageous requests, but the fact remains that in order to take hostages you must be committing a crime and have weapons to keep the hostages detained. I realize these are meant to be humorous and appealing to the sophomoric audience watching the ball games, but, as with some explicit video games, we tend to desensitize to viewers and users.
It is far different to gobbly things with Ms PacMan and have a frod dodge in and out of traffic than to reward points for shooting cops or causing bodily harm to women.
Could these commercials and games be contributing to the violence in America? Who knows?
As an alleged civilized society, we are responsible for all of our actions, including our verbiage. If one attributed every thought to being a prayer, perhaps we could begin to offer words of understanding, acceptance and compassion rather than threateing words of contempt, anger and discontentment; We can begin to see our opponents as jopponents and not enemies.
Someone has to step up. Someone needs to lead the march for civility, not just for women or black men or Christians or gays, but for all humankind. We need to Think Universally, Act Globally!
Peace! Namaste! Shalom! Ho'oponono!

That's all for now . . .