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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Too Fat To Write

Okay, according to hospitals in Texas, I can't work there. My BMI, whatever the heck that is, is not within the acceptable range for me to even push a broom down the hallways of Citizens Medical Center in Victoria, Texas. So, rather than bring me in and use me as an example, helping me to lose weight and be in better health, they refuse to consider my application altogether. Following their regulation that an employee's appearance “should fit with a representational image or specific mental projection of the job of a health care professional,” including an appearance “free from distraction,” I will be sending myself a pink slip. Not being a fan of pink, I may send myself a slip of another color with the same intent. I am not fit to write for my own paper, the Sedona Excentric.

Perhaps if I could learn to write while walking, I could shed some of these unwanted pounds. I did lose a bunch of weight not long ago, but that was due to diverticulitis. I lost a couple of pounds when fasting for my colonoscopy also. Funny, I watch friends of mine consume fatty, unhealthy, sugary foods and never gain a pound. i walk by the bakery section of a grocery store and can feel my belt tightening. I have reduced the amount of alcohol, sugar, carbs, red meat, and increased my exercise routine just to maintain the weight I carry now. If I break that chain, I gain. Living the lifestyle that I choose now and knowing that I could be refused employment really chafes my chaps.

Weight discrimination is not illegal in 49 of the 50 states in America. That's correct. You can be gay, republican, black and female and be protected, but not fat. So, if you are a gay, black, female republican and fat, you had better shed some pounds if looking for work in Texas. In a country that finds itself populated by obese citizens, America is going to have to take a long look in a wide mirror and rewrite some of its anti-discriminatory laws. Take Mr. X as an example. Mr. X get screwed by his state government who fired him because they refused to take federal stimulus funding. After collecting unemployment and being depressed for nearly a year and sitting around eating Twinkies and drinking Yoo-Hoos, Mr. X gains enough weight to tilt his BMI (body mass index) to the point of being declared unemployable because he's now too fat to work, making him more depressed and sending him to the store for Twinkies and Yoo-Hoos. Now Mr. X has had his insurance cancelled because his employer paid program has expired and so has his Cobra plan. Having to get insurance on his own will be near impossible if the Supreme Court decides the new American Health Plan is unconstitutional, since he will have a pre-existing condition of obesity.

I haven't eaten fast food in years and have switched to soy burgers and sweet potato fries baked in the oven and yet I am going to have to fire myself. It feels like I gained a couple of ounces just sitting here writing this blog. I hope I give myself a second chance and, if I show that I'm trying even harder to lose weight and tighten my mass, I will hire myself back - at least on a part-time basis. Of course, the benefits include living with the boss' wife. If I lose that perk, I may have to sue myself. See me in court?
Peace - Ho'oponopono . . .