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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Second Amendment

In light of the recent senseless slayings in Colorado, I stopped again to wonder when Americans would take a serious look at gun regulation. First let's examine the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, written when the definition of arms included muskets, hatchets, knives, swords, spears, bows & arrows and rocks.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

So, people in the Militia, should be armed to keep foreign governments from forcing their laws and rules upon them. And, in the event of an attack from some foreign entity, the people, who are members of the Militia by birth, can gather their arms and secure their free State.

Does anyone really believe the brilliant people who penned the Constitution ever imagined a world where automatic rifles and grenades and bazookas and rocket launchers would be part of one's personal arsenal? I think not.

Let's look at the phrase, "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Actually, guns rarely kill people, bullets kill people. So, even for those in blinders who claim automatic rifles are for hunting and target shooting, ignoring the mental erection they get every time they fire their weapons, there should be some semblance of intellect that tells them magazine clips with 30 or more rounds are at the least unnecessary to get your rocks off at the range and is definitely overkill to gather meat for the family weekend at the cabin.

And do not all Americans possess the right to not bear arms and still feel safe in their theater, or school, or political gathering? While crazy people will still show up and use their legally obtained sporting equipment meant for their act of duty in the Militia, and possibly kill people in a crowd, their carnage could be limited with sensible legislation that does not infringe upon the gun bearer's rights.

To further deter mass murderers from seeking notoriety, we could pass legislation under a terrorism clause that any person who takes the lives of more than one person at any single event never have their name offered to the public. Seal their identity and you may take away their incentive. Besides being  homicidal maniac, completely out of their minds or under an extreme narcotic influence, what other motivation can these mass murderers have than infamy and notoriety?

If legislators are too afraid of the NRA to take away extreme weaponry or outrageous magazine clips, then take away their fame and identity.

But for God's sake - DO SOMETHING!

Peace - Ho'oponopono . . .

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What's The Rush?

Haven't written in a while. enough time has passed to allow people with pens, computers and microphones to expose their focused insanity.
Congreesswoman Michele Bachmann pontificating about Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton's aide Huma Abedin, claiming she is a member of an extremist Islamic organization. Her evidence? - her name is Huma. That would be like linking the congresswoman to a now defunked rock band or taking credit as the subject of Paul McCartney's song. The saddest part? - people elected her - people who probably drive, making them some of the most dangerous people on earth - next to, of course the people who elected Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the listeners of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.
I'm not talking about people who err in judgement periodically - we are all guilty of those feats. I am referring to people who require absolutely no proof of any wrongdoing before condemning someone on heresay, gossip and innuendo.
Arpai, the misguided egomaniacal Arizona sheriff, has taken it upon himself to find someone to declare President Obama's birth certificate counterfeit. This is after a republic author researched Obama;s background for a tell-all book and found the accusation to be ludicrous. But evidence won't stop Arpaio, after all, he's only sworn to uphold the law, not follow it. His hatred and prejudice runs so deep that he will stop at nothing to discredit the leader of the free world.
Speaking of hatred and prejudice, enter Beck and Limbaugh, extraordinary mudslingers. Beck has an excuse - he's bonkers. Limbaugh might want to hise behind his drug addiction to pain killers, but his recent claim that the new batman movie's villain is named Bane because of Romney is further evidence that he belongs in the Beck funny farm. There was a comic book character named Bane in a batman comic created in January 1993, long before Romney was officially running for politics. Limbaugh's assertion that it is based on Romney's corporate rading company, Bain is not only utterly false, but a blatant lie.
Across the world in a place of happiness, Nelson Mandela turned 94. the man who would be president of South Africa, spent 27 years in prison as a political prisoner of apartheid - and, upon his release forgave his oppressors - saying if he held any ill will, they would have won.
I don't want to begrudge people the opportunity to step up to the microphone or slap the keyboard to express their views. After all, I am an example of the right to freedom of speech. I would simply ask people who listen to those who claim to be in the know while berating others without any fact or evidence should themselves refrain from accepting the accusations void of veracity.

Peace - Ho'oponopono . . .