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Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Ugly American

  Many Americans can't understand why people from other countries don't like us. After all, we're wealthy, technologically advanced, nearly a democracy (actually, we're a representative republic), we dress well, wear perfumes and colognes, give modestly to charities and don't eat our young.
  While relaxing today after a round of Wi exercising, I tunes into a couple of college football games. I don't support any particular team, either college or professional - I usually cheer for the underdog. But today while remoting between Arizona vs Stanford and LSU vs Florida, I found myself hoping LSU would defeat Florida in the worst way. It wasn't because of the state or university or ranking or even uniform colors. It was because during the game, actually, early in the game, a couple of plays in a row resulted in a player from LSU staying on the ground after sustaining some type of injury.
  In the past, when a payer from either team goes down the crowd would come to a hush while the downed player received medical attention. Once up and leaving the field, either under their own power or with help, the crowd would cheer in support of the wounded warrior. This is a contact sport, with large, powerful young men pounding each other for hours. Sure, they wear protective equipment, but the human body is not designed to take that kind of abuse under any circumstances.
  Now, when the players from LSU were lying on the ground getting attention, the crowd from Florida began to boo - both times. One of the players couldn't walk off the field and needed to be assisted to the sideline and the Florida fans booed. What is their problem? Where is the sportsmanship? Where's the decency? Where's the American compassion? Where's the appreciation for the players' efforts?
  In the grand scheme of things, hell, in the weeny scheme of things, this game means nothing! It won't cure an illness. It won't bring about world peace. It won't feed the hungry or house the homeless. It's a football game - emphasis on game. The one thing it is supposed to do is build character - players and viewers meeting on the gridiron in the spirit of entertaining competition.
  But the fans of Florida University have sullied not only the residents of Florida, but of Americans. It makes us look ugly. It shows a remarkable lack of class. It represents the ideal that Americans must win at any cost. If it takes an opponent to get injured - so be it. If we win by getting a bad call from the officials - so be it. If we need to cheat to win  - so be it. All that matters is that we get the win. Sportsmanship? - out the window.
  This attitude is represented as well in our politics. We need to lie to win - so be it. We need to cheat to win - so be it. We need to hurt others to win - so be it. As long as we win, we can live with ourselves.
  So, we are the Ugly Americans - but we are winning! So be it!

Peace - Ho'oponopono . . .