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Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Song

Have a close friend who went through a messy divorce. Listening to his stories brought about a couple lines leading to the beginnings of a new song. The lines came to me while driving down the road. Had to keep repeating them so I wouldn't forget them.
Just finished delivering hard copies of the January issue of the Sedona Excentric - this July will make 24 years. It will be uploaded later today - need a break.
So glad the Iowa Caucus is over - what a suspense-filled evening - wait that was a rerun of Monk. I understand people are not pleased with the lack of progress to improve the middle class status in America, but i just can't find it in my head or heart to blame President Obama for it all. I think he would be hailed if just one crooked banker were indicted.
Amazingly, hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent in the coming months on political contests. I thought there wasn't any money. Apparently, there are hundreds of millions of dollars to toss at politicians to buy their favor. If corporations have that kind of money to buy politicians, maybe they have more to buy jobs.
I firmly believe corporate raiders are secretly hoping Obama wins, because a republican win would fuel the fire that is Occupy Wall Street. Speaking of OCW, perhaps it is time for them to come to agreeance on what goal they would ultimately like to achieve. Here's hoping spring comes soon, bringing warmer weather and fresh bodies.

That's all for now . . .

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