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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Class Warfare

While watching the repulican cage fighting, I can't help but feel a sense of desperation across the board as the rhetoric ratchets up and the mud slinging and name calling continues. Was feeling relieved that my brother is in Florida, while I sit quietly in Arizona. Then our governor seemed to miss having the cameras flashing in her direction and stiuck her finger in the face of the leader of the free world. It doesn't matter what party the President belongs to or if local political yocals don't agree with his or her politics, it is still the most respected political seat in the world. I saw the cartoons go up immediately - one with Governor Brewer protrayed as the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of OZ and another with her illiterate quote explaining her reason for the finger. It seems as though people everywhere are clamouring for their 15 seconds of fame - it used to be 15 minutes, but that was before the internet. This blog is already old news - just thought the topic worthy of mentioning.
Then this guy who claims to represent the enitre republican party - Priebus - compares the President of the United States to the captain of the recently sunk Italian cruise ship. I think you have the right to disagree about pretty near any topic with someone without calling them names - to me that's the class warfare - people who have to revert to name calling to win the favor of others completely lacks class. America is suffering from a lack of class. I remember people talking about actors, sports figures, politicians, co-workers, neighbors and friends as "a class act" or somebody who "had a lot of class." You don't hear that much anymore. So, here's the challege in the future, America - instead of out-mouthing one another with epithets, let's try to out-class each other. Wouldn't that be something? A country where people were proud of their government and their politicians, where trustworthiness and honesty were the words used to describe candidates? When candidates make a claim about another, they should have to state where they got their information from. The same should hold true for all of those phony ads run by super-pacs. Americans should be allowed to know who paid for them and from what source they got their information. There have been enough political careers launched from lies - it's time Americans' votes were fact based. Let's put an end to class warfare and clean up our act America - and let's start at home.

That's all for now . . .

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