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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Twitter A Felony in Oregon?

Oregon - a state that, were it in the physical locatiion of New Mexico, I would move to in a heart beat, has reared its Republican ugly head (and one wayward Democrat) and proposed criminalizing the organizing of civil disobediance: Oregon's Senate Bill 1534- being debated today, would criminalize what they call, "aggravated solicitation applicable to use of electronic communication to solicit two or more persons to commit specific crime at specific time and location."
This is the state I always held up as an example of individual rights and freedom without excessive and unwarranted government intervention. No longer - the state that has the hutspah to ban styrofoam has the inane wherewithall to consider a bill that would make it felonious to gather people through social media - you know - FB, Twitter, et al, if during the gathering a crime were committed. So, if Occupy Oregon happened, and I summoned people to a place and time to protest and a crime - that crime being civil disobediance -were committed, I could be held responsible. That's fascist crap.
According to Wikipedia: The earliest recorded incidents of collective civil disobedience took place during the Roman empire. Unarmed Jews gathered in the streets to prevent the installation of pagan images in the Temple in Jerusalem. Some modern day examples of civil disobediance may include: trespassing at a nuclear-missile installation, bringing medicine to Iraq without permission of the government, sitting in a tree to prevent it from being chopped down, gathering at sit-ins to protest Monsanto's alteration of life. By summoning friends to aprticipate in these events, I could be arrested and jailed in Oregon. I thoug republican wanted smaller government with less interference in in Americans' personal lives - oh wait - corporations don't want to be Occupied. Enter big brother to save the day - even in a progressive state like Oregon. What a perfect place to start - if they can pass it there, they can pass it in every state - then they will ask homeland security to monitor every tweet and posting so they can protect the interests of their contributors - the human corporations.
I hope the good people of oregon fight this and get rid of these crooked politicians, drugged by the money they recieve and replace them with people who believe capitalism should have a conscience.
Of course, to get around their stupid law, should it pass, one would simply invite the masses to gather one at a time.

Peace - Ho'oponopono . . .

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