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Friday, February 17, 2012


Toaday I signed a few of Facebook petitions, one to Walmart to stop selling Monsanto GMO products, one to tell the governor of Virginia (the state I spent nearly 30 years in) to vetoe legislation to force pregnant women considering an abortion to be subjected to an invasive vaginal sonagram without their consent (as a rider bill to one that says conception begins at the zygote stage). I also posted a FB message from Be The Match to encourage people to sign up as a bone marrow donor. And, I started my own petition to tell the National Restaurant Association to cease using styrofoam - a toxic, unnecessary biproduct.
There were posts from friends with music videos and uplifting messages and informative posts I look forward to reading. This is what I thought Facebook would be - a social networking site where people can become informed, enlightened, entertained and involved.
I have to say, however, that I don't enjoy personal messages sent between two characters posted on the public pages. Either they haven't figured out that personal comments can be sent to individuals and kept off public pages or that they can simply use their email and not bombard the pages with pictures of their baby, or their dinner or information about which mall they are shopping at and what they bought.
I have enjoyed many of today's posts, as they are people using this medium to advance society for what they feel is people's betterment - readers can choose to agree or not, but at least they are attempting to engage the FB public in an event we all can possibly share, rather than a personal diatribe.
So, to those who wish to enlighten, entertain, inform and educate, I look forward to your posts. To those of you who wish to share your latest picture at the beach with your family - use email or skype or personalize and define your posts, please.
I do want to save the world, I just don't know how and must rely on my FB friends for help. I have a page dedicated to Music for Social Change, but I don't send pictures of my breakfast (as good as it was) or my great neice or nephew (as much as I love them)  or my cat (who happens to be Jewish) or even my wife holding a shirt (because she loves clean clothes). The again, perhaps I'm the one who doesn't get it. Maybe the people trying to enlighten, educate, entertain and involve others are taking up space that should be otherwise used for trivial pursuit.
Well, at least the personal message people don't have to worry about Google following them around.

Peace - Ho'oponopono . . .

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