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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Whitney Houston

I put Whitney Houston in the top 10 of female vocalists, along with Barbara Streisand, Mariah Carey, Eva Cassidy, Enya , Sarah Brightman, Maria Callas, Janice Joplin, Judy Garland and Annie Lennox. I realize I left out your favorite, but it's my blog. My favorite would be Eva Cassidy. While Whitney Houston surely died at a young age, Maria Callas died at 53, Judy Garland at 47, Eva Cassidy died at 33 and Janice Joplin died at 27 (as did Amy Winehouse). Too often, people we admire are taken from us too soon. Add males to the mix with Elvis, John Lennon, Hendrix, Michael Jackson and Jim Morrison and actors and actresses and the list gets much longer. I watched her service on television with appreciation for her contribution to music. I rewatched The Bodyguard and listened to some of her most popular songs with the same awe as when I first heard them. I continue to watch youthful girls attempting to emulate Whitney Houston on televised singing contests, all hoping to reach not only the notes she belted out with ease, but the life she apparently lead. Like many of the entertainment icons who passed before her, Whitney Houston became ensnarled in the world of drugs and alcohol to maintain the high fame bestows upon the stars.
There are few who escape the temptation of the pleasures thrust upon them - getting drugs on the street may be seedy and dangerous, but they seem to be made readily available for the rich and famous. Instead of dwelling on the lifestyle she and so many others lead, I prefer to listen to the gift they were given and chose to share with others. The moving sounds and emotions offered by these magnificent talents to me far overrides their personal life trials.
So much has been left behind by these superstars for us to enjoy, whether it be songs or movies. Sometines it's comforting to take a weekend and play some old records or watch some old movies and pay homage to those who crossed over too soon for us to comprehend. And so, this weekend, it's listening to Eva Cassidy and watching the Wizard of Oz with some courage, a heart and a brain.

Peace - Ho'oponopono . . .

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