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Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Excentric

Not sure where to start. Froze Thanksgiving vittles, thawed for Christmas Eve dinner and still working on leftovers. Had turkey enchiladas Christmas night with oyster stuffing pancakes, followed by turkey sandwich for breakfast this morning. Read where Charlie Sheen spent part of Christmas day in Colorado jail. Enjoyed reading about Muslims and Jews collaborating on Mitzvah Day in Michigan to help needy families and happy to see son returned to father after 5-year ordeal in Brazil. Finally watched Slumdog Millionaire last night. What a gut wrenching movie. Only present this year was Wii Fit. Getting ready for New Year's resolution - again.

Wrote to President Obama. I like him. I'm not sure my emails are getting through, though. He asked for suggestions on ways to help our country. I suggested ridding the ridiculous rules that Property Owners Associations have prohibiting drying clothing naturally, in the sunlight - subject to fines. Not only would we save energy, people would save money and greenhouse gases would be reduced. Then I thought they should take some of the TARP funds and employ out-of-work auto makers in Michigan and elsewhere by commissioning wind turbines and solar heating units be built for commercial and residential use. Finally I felt they could take some more of that TARP money and set up energy stations along the farms and ranches that line the tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay and help those people turn their waste into energy, saving the Bay, reducing energy costs, adding employment and aiding the fishing industry.

I guess they want help, but not from just anybody. Or, maybe my ideas are so bad that they didn't want to hurt my feelings by telling me they prefer to leave things just the way they are - polluted beyond belief.

I figured I should get stated on this blog. But I want everyone to know that no matter what someone blogs about, it is from information that they can only assume to be fact based on their sources, who assume the information they pass on is correct and that the sources they used were correct. In the end, most everything comes down to acceptance. So, I hope you accept that what I say now and in the future is my best guess, my honest opinion, except where I may be satirical.

That's all for now . . .

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