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Monday, December 28, 2009


Okay, here we go again. Last night I was rejected by a stranger when offering aid to a friend. The friend is 91-years-old, fragile, but sharp as a tack and a sweet gal. She is being relocated to assisted facilities, not her choice, but that of her daughter-in-law.  I'm used to being rejected, I've been married for 23 blissful years and went door-to-door for more than 3 years to raise money and consciousness to clean the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia before getting hitched- so I've been told "no" a lot.

Today, I had to drive by the place we volunteer helpers of this woman were to meet, in case somebody didn't get the message that we weren't welcome. Of course, no one showed. I dropped off some boxes at her front door and came back, after a slight detour to Walmart - the only place that sells a particular shaving gel I need for my electric razor, which was a gift from my wife, so I have to use it.

Getting ready to scan in one of the pictures mailed to the Excentric for Typical Excentric Reader Page in the January issue. It's a mom and son in front of a giant plastic elephant in New Jersey - cute. Then it's on to the press release and entertainment pages. Trying to figure out what to do with Christmas leftovers. I think even the animals that roam behind my house are getting tired of them. I hope they don't get organized and revolt. I trust the javelinas will keep them in line. There are roadrunners, coyotes, foxes, deer, doves, quail, a bunch of other birds, including ravens, buzzards and eagles. Once a peregrine falcon lit on a bird feeder - now that was cool! Recently, a cradinal has been trying to bash his way through a window that reflects some tree branches. I sprayed some of that fake snow. Was disappointed because the directions, which my wife makes me read or reads to me before proceeding, stated it was for indoor use only. Like a dumbass, I sprayed indoors, increasing the reflection of the tree branches and encouraging the cardinal to crash harder and more often. Even put one of those fake owls atop the window air conditioner to deter him. He knocked it down by landing on its head and using it as a launching pad. The two females he was trying to impress patiently waited for him to create their new home, directly across from the braches where they egged him on. Observing the females led me to believe the cardinal was Mormon or a Grosbeak politician. Anyway, the cardinals have left and I am left with that crappy snow stuff to scrape and vacuum. Perhaps after the new year.

Haven't turned the news on yet today to see which politician was the head jerk. Lately, Lieberman has been leaving everyone in his dust, created by his flip-flops. Just thinking of him conjures up a foul taste, kinda like an acid burp. He reminds me of the quote on last month's Curmudgeon Page "I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying toys not included." I realize I have to convert that to a Chanukah gift.

I realize it's time to quit. I have reached the rambling stage of blogging. Got further than most.

That's all for now . . .

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