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Thursday, December 31, 2009


Stayed home and greeted John Dibatista, builder way ahead of his time, just before the insurance adjusters arrived. To my pleaseant surprise, they were quick, competent and curteous. State Farm was well represented today. When we were through, they left in peace. I still have to get a couple of bids, leading to one more check, but am quite satisfied with their assessment and offer of financial assistance. A lot of energy was exchanged, but no verbal shots were fired - well, some parlays were made by both sides, but an understanding was reached and not a scar was left, not even a bruise.

Looking forward to roof repairs and window replacements, just hoping for no wet wood leading to potential mold issues. Sat down to fried panko calamari, broiled scallops with white wine mushroom sauce, garlic fresh spinach and garlic mashed potatoes. My wife washed the spinach, for which I was greatful. I love to cook but lack an appreciation for prepping. Thinking about potato and cheddar soup for the weekend.

FTP'd paper to Phoenix Wednesday evening - system ran slow due to snow and clouds. Haven't heard back from the printer, so assume all is well. Start delivery in Scottsdale resorts Saturday morning, come back and hit Prescott Valley, shop Costco and PetsMart, on to Camp Verde to Cottonwood then Jerome and back to Cottonwood. All in all, about a 10-hour day. I do all my own delivery because I trust myself, and I know if I sluff off, I'll dock myself in pay or place me on suspension. I hate suspension.

With tomorrow being the 1st of January, 2010, I will choose to accept a message of hope and pray things improve in every aspect of everyone's life for their highest good. Right after I have a couple of cinnamon buns and coffee with Bailey's. I believe one cannot accept a message of hope and pray for highest good stuff without a couple of cinnamon buns and coffee with Baileys under their belt.

Trying to stay up to midnight and cheer in the New Year with my beloved wife. She just mixed a white russian and I am preparing to pour myself a duck fart to toast with.

Cheers and Peace for 2010!

That's all for now . . .

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