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Friday, January 1, 2010


Woke up in 2010 - a feat in itself. Besides terrific dinner made at home, New Year's Eve was quiet. Watched Sunshine Cleaning last night. Had cinnamon buns and coffee for breakfast, also smashed some heated deviled eggs on a piece of toast. Watched some football games - usually root for underdog - no favorites - no alumni - no loyalty. I do think the wages coaches get for collegiate athletics is out of bounds.

Heading to Scottsdale in the early a.m. to pick up and deliver January's Excentric. Will be a long day. Weather promises to be decent. Made an error on art show ad dates. Art for Sedona Sake arts and crafts show should be March 27/28 - the last weekend of the month, not the first weekend the 6th and 7th.

Spent good part of afternoon looking at replacement windows online. My wife and I finally found a couple we could agree on. While 2009 was one hell of a tough year, I expect 2010 to go slowly foward. A twenty percent gain would be quite welcome. Getting tired of learning to live with less and just say no to items I admittedly can live without.

Fried calamari odor waning, but revisited tonight with leftovers in the toaster oven. Of yeah, wrote to Governor Jan Brewer. I am not pleased to hear about the closing of Arizona's state parks. Perhaps we could follow California's lead and have the government take a week off without pay every other month. Those funds could go to the parks not turning a profit and improve the gift shops by stocking the shelves with things people would actually buy - photos of themselves with an Arizona Bigfoot, snake bite antivenom, coin slots for men's urinals with a picture of a scorpion on the bowl and of course rubber tarantulas.

Need to sleep.

That's all for now . . .

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