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Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I had little respect for Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh before their inane voluntary mental discharges today regarding the deadly natural disaster in Haiti. My wishes for the best possible outcome goes out the living and dead, trapped and wandering, poor and befuddled. I have always found it spiritually contradictory to wrap oneself in the shrowd of Jesus while spewing hateful intollerances of others of differing religions, races or political parties. A good friend recounted a story of growing up in a small Texas town about Christian people who sang, "Jesus loves the little children...red and yellow, black and white, they're all precious in his sight." I guess it may have sounded biased to sing, "Jesus loves the Christian children...red and yellow, black and white, if they're Christian they're all right." But that's what Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh spew - a genuine disdain for anyone who doesn't follow the tenants they chose as their reality.

Sunday at World Fellowship service in Cottonwood, Dr. Rev. Sue chose to repeat a thought we shared and a quote I had written in the Sedona Excentric a couple of years back..."What if some, or all of everything you thought to be true was wrong." As a nation, we don't seem to deal with "what ifs" well. We accept a premise, theory, axiom or postulation as fact or truth and then seek out others who agree. The more people who sign on, the easier it is to contol those who refuse, for they are the minority and not the believers of the accepted truth. Remember the confrontation between Galileo and Cardinal Bellarmino? - we're havin' an inquisition. Fortunately, many baby boomers in America are asking questions again, this timewithout fear of shunning or retribution from their government or loved ones and close friends who desire to stay the course.

Something else I enjoyed about working with Morrie (see previous blogs) was his love for the unknown and libertarian style of religious thought. We called ourselves Agnonstics because we knew there was something greater than human life - there just has to be. I mean, if this is the best the universe had to offer, climate change here we come. I heard the president of ASU is coming to NPR. The plug for the show included results from a poll that showed college grads don't have much of a desire to stay, work and play in Arizona, and Arizonans value the open space, terrain and environment as their greates assets. Someone should share that information with the Sedona City Council, a group seemingly hell bent on making sure land be used for whatever purpose may come along as long as that purpose isn't preservation. Many don't know that Pine Valley in the Village of Oak Creek was actually traded by the Forest Service for Florida swamp land. Now the Forest service did need that land to extend their Evergalde protection, but Pine Valley? Wise ranchers (actually land barons) are working the same magic in Seligman for General Crook Trail area land.

The same friend who recited the Jesus loving all the children song confessed that The Matrix was her favorite movie. Sadly, the media, in cooperation with major corporations and some government muckamucks have made it a reality in America. People are either ill-informed or uninformed, sometimes by choice, but usually by being force fed the crap the pruducers' owners decide to unveil under the guise of important breaking news. For years, everything from the crime rate, to identity theft, to the economic collapse was being blamed on illegal aliens. But not just any illegals, only those from south of the border who speak Spanish. Good thing that America never had a large group of British or French or Dutch or German or Italian or Irish or Polish or Russian or Asian enter without proper paperwork and visas. Otherwise, there may have been some negative assertions made of those people. I'm always amazed at how few people I meet are Native Americans, except of course for the Native Americans. Now there was a group of people with a bad immigration policy. Good thing they were so trusting. Sign here! A friend of mine from Australia once told me that they got the best deal - they got the British prisoners, we got the Puritans.

That's all for now . . .

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