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Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Got my car back from Canyon Auto. Same day service - unbleievable. Had to drop my wife at work and pick her up, near the new Talquepaque bridge. What a cluster u-no-what! It would take street hawkers used to working the streets of Storyville in New Orleans in its heyday to convince traffic to stray from the meandering maze that once was SR179. Of course, I think they should pave Schnebly Hill Road and make it one-way from Flagstaff and make the switchbacks one-way to Flagstaff with a connecting bridge to both somewhere along the way for the confused and locals, who are also often confused. You would think ADOT would have built in dollars for businesses they plan to prevent from having any opportunity of selling anything. You'd think the landlord would cut their tennants some slack. You'd think the city would defer taxes for a period. But nobody gives a rat's patoot about their fellow business person. Maybe they're all waiting for the going-out-of-business-sale. Everything must go - including the employess that must look for another minimum wage job with no benefits.

Disappointed I wasn't invited to the People's Choice Awards. There was an obvious shortage of hecklers. Everyone (must be under 28 to enter) was soooooo nice. The winners all gave the same thank you speech - I'd like to thank the people. Not one salute to any other animals or plant life or inanimate object, giving each of the winners the appearance of an inanimate object.

Old friends, seldom seen, coming by tomorrow for drinks and hummus with tahini. Separation does something to people. It gives you an opportunity to grow in whatever direction you were heading without the influence and interference of someone you once felt close to - whose opinion you valued. Now you meet again for the first time to discover you are at political odds - they blame the illegal immigration of southerners for the downfall of America's economy and I blame the greedy bastard fat cats that sucked every cent out of an unregulated money hungry system void of morals and a conscience all together. Who knows? Maybe they're right. I suppose 12 percent of the population could drain 90 percent of its wealth. But it would have to be done in Spanish, so no one would ever figure it out until it was too late.

Oh well, maybe some roasted red bell peppers and galic in the hummus will smoothe everything out and it will be a grand evening. Fun will be had by all. If the conversation gets too sticky, my wife will find a way to kick me - a subtle, but effective signal to tell me to shut the hell up. At which point, I could challenge the loudest debater to a game of bowling on our Wii system and tell him exactly where to place his balls.

That's all for now . . .

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