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Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Finally took down decorations and posted January's Excentric online. Checked blood sugar - 178 - I can live with that. Decided to do some Wii  bowling. Best was 211 out of 8 games - 4 right-handed, 4 left. Followed with some fitness games, totaled about 45 minutes and rechecked blood - 97. Wonder if that means I'm supposed to exercise, then eat a candy bar. Did work up a sweat and need pain killers for my back. Good thing the ball is so light - ha. The Dec 8 storm from the south caused some damage to my house. John DiBatista is going to make it better.

One of the rewards of living in a small town for a period of time is getting to know and befriend people who are there when you need them. John brought Tim of Behmer Roofing to assess roof replacement. Turns out Tim knew Morrie, my former friend, mentor and business partner. We talked about the good old days of Sedona - the Wrenwood, softball and a time when everyone got along, even if they disagreed. Hard to  believe Morrie left April 1994 - nearly 16 years ago. Damn! I still miss him. We made each other laugh. there aren't too many people to banter ideas with. Thank goodness there's still Bishop and Bob at Raven's Nest and Reverend Joel. I can get my wife to luagh at my stuff, but only if i fall while I'm reading - she really loves slapstick. So, if you see me around and I'm heavily bruised, I've bust been reading some Excentric stuff to my wife.

Taking car in to Canyon Auto tomorrow for a physical. Denny and his crew are truly the best. Again, small town relationships. Have to keep it in good running order now that it's paid off. Read where 2009 was the worst year for car sales in 30 years. Wonder if anybody surveyed who bought a car thoroughly enjoyed their experience. I mean, come on, who looks forward to buying a car? I wonder if they looked at service stations to see if they had a banner 2009. If people were getting shoes resoled and electronics rewired, I assume they had their cars serviced. I admit I don't understand economics. It's not like they printed any less money - it just seems different people have it and aren't as willing to part with it. If stocks sell, doesn't somebody hae to buy them? I think the money holders don't like the political swing in the U.S. and are actively attempting to derail the current administration. Maybe they want everything to suck for 4 years and then they come to the rescue and make it all better. Maybe we can find better ways for colleges to spend money than on the millions they throw at sports. Ever wonder if the university that pays their football coack 4 million bucks a years could find a super vaccine for H1N1? If only we could get tens of thousands of people to flock to an arena every week to cheer on scientists. Go nerds, go!

That's all for now . . .

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