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Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Spent good part of the day putting January issue to bed and sending it to Phoenix for printing via FTP. Took longer than normal to ship as line of sight was fighting to find Mingus Mt. through clouds and snow. After years of listening to theories on what the government is up to around Boynton Canyon, Blodwyn Smythe decided to write a cover page divulging the secret ops operational secrets.

Took a break to attend a service of a friend's mom-in-law in Cottonwood. Lots of people, not much room and felt a little out of place. Went to represent the church I attend, as 1 minister was LA bound and the other on the other side of Mingus. Standing with my back to the rear wall, I began to imagine everyone talking about me. Besides my friend, I didn't know a soul there. I could imagine them calling me "Who's that guy." Finally, an older woman from our church came and found me huddled amongst myself in the corner.  We exchanged niceties and then imagined everyone who had seen Harold and Maude, thinking we were the modern version, except I'm not 18 and she's not 79. We heard that somone close to the deceased was outside due to the cramped quarters and lack of breathable air. Mauded and I used the opportunity to join him. Got outside, but he was nowhere in sight. Disappointed, we decided to leave. They had just previously announced that we were anbout 45 minutes from the minister making any gestures and then the crowd was moving to the cemetery to have the actual service. I began to panic that I would not be able to get online and would miss deadline for the first time in more than 20 years.

Got home and moved external hard drive to wired computer and started loading the pages. The connection was slower than normal and it took nearly 4 hours to get all of the pages down there. Some of those files are pretty large. Can't do anything with the files in the hopper, so tried some Wii golf, this time lefthanded. Good news, I must be ambidextrous, because I scored as poorly as I did righthanded. Did learn that you can turn the golfer and aim the shot in other directions.

Sat down to Maryland crab cakes, garlic, cheesy, mashed potatoes and broccoli. Not bad. Took out calamari and scallops for special New Years Eve dinner. Scallops in wine sauce, garlic spinach atop potato pancakes with spicy sour cream sauce.

Getting wind driven rain damage assessed by insurance adjuster tomorrow at noon. That should be fun. Pointing to structural flaws and setting prices always turns me on - and on New Years Eve while some of those silly College Bowl games are being aired in HD. Good day to give up gambling, at least the over under.
Hopefully this adjuster will be of the human race and realize we could use some assistance to prevent further leaks and potential mold growth. Happy to be working with John DiBatista as the contractor - he's a decent man with a lovely family that supports their community and thinks green. He was the first guy I met many, many moons ago that was building with alternative materials - and his house was and still is great.

Reaching the rambling stage, so time to go...

That's all for now . . .

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