
If you want to read more, try http://SedonaExcentric .com

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I had a chat with someone from the Associated Press office in Tucson recently. I told him I took offense to yet another report about the October tragedy at Angel Valley as taking place in Sedona - not near Sedona, or around Sedona, or close to Cottonwood, or near John McCain's compound - but IN Sedona. His explanation was that Sedona was the closest city. I informed him he was wrong, in fact, Cottonwood with its recent annexation into the Cornville area made it the closest city. And, if they were using the name Sedona for sensational reference, they should have stated that it was just over the banks of Senator John McCain's houses. He argued the point, though I'm not sure on what premise, and finally just said it was close enough. Close enough. That's what has created a huge credibility problem with the media, corporations and the government. Close enough. Saddam didn't actually possess weapons of mass destruction, but he was close enough to having them that 4,000 plus men and women from the United States and scores others from around the globe had to give their lives. Close enough.

I looked up the website of Angel Valley. In fact, they state in their opening sentence that they are IN Sedona. So, I called them. The woman owning the compound referred to a spot further in the description that it was close to Sedona. I reminded her that the first sentence says IN Sedona. She agreed it may be a little misleading, especially when I told her that reportes were quoting her and saying she was IN Sedona. If she wasn't actually IN Sedona, how was I to know that the quotes that were attributed to her were acurate or just close enough?

When lending institutions deny people the right to refinance their homes or at least renegotiate their payments or restructure their loans, one has to wonder whatever makes them think they have earned the amount of money they reward their owners and upper managers. I don't begrudge anyone for making huge amounts of money. Indeed, some stinkingly wealthy people have done some good in the world with their money. But, to deny struggling, decent Americans the opportunity to maintain some sense of dignity by retaining their most prized possession while stuffing your pockets is obscene and so is any politician that isn't doing everything possible to see those ways are changed. Close enough. The bankers didn't actually set up new lending practices to help struggling Americans, but for many politicians it was close enough.

When our government officials say the proposed health care bill will kill grandma, or take away your medicare or cause your premiums to rise; they know they aren't reading from the actual proposal, but it's close enough to use to scare the bejesus out of Joe the plumber. Palin couldn't really see Russia from her house, but it was close enough. When they say this initiative is going to create1 million jobs - even though the facts show it will only create 985,00, we accept that asclose enough. But whne you are one of the 15,000 who are left unemployed is close enough good enough? When our leaders allow polluters to clean up most of their mill tailings because it brought temporary work to their area, but the pollutants went unseen into an aquifer and the company mining the land thinks it got close enough to the stipulated regulations, is close enough good enough?

Imagine sending missiles into an area an being just a little off target. It hits the house next to the intended target, an innocent family is killed. The bad guys live to kill again. Is close enough good enough? What about when someone is sentenced to death because of an eye witness that picked out someone that looked like the person who actually committed the crime. Now imagine DNA evidence shows the condemend to be innocent. Now imagine it was discovered too late. Now imagine the accused was your brother, or father, or son. Is close enough good enough?

In sports, they have institued replay. Not because the refs were crooked, well not all of them, but because with the kind of money the winning palyers, managers and owners can amass, close enough wasn't good enough. I realize we can't replay every move we make, but we are given an opportuinty with every breath to get better than close enough. We can actually report that the sad event where people lost their lives in October happened at a place outside Sedona, and, as its neighbors, people IN Sedona grieve for their loss and pray for their families and loved ones left behind. IN Sedona, people have the ability to show compassion, love and understanding where needed, not because they exist within the majestic walls of the crimson cliffs, but because, like all other human beings, we possess an innate desire to extend a hand, lend a shoulder or offer an embrace. I imagine the same holds true for Cottonwood residents, who just showed they could be civil about a very unpopular issue - the mago statue.

The leader of Dahn Yoga and creator of the concept of the man-made monolith had many opportunites to admit that though his intentions were grand and sincere, he may have missed the target, and his goal having fallen short, chosen to address the citizens of Cottonwood and proposed to relocate mago, saving face and increasing his credibility. He just didn't get close enough to the people he affected.

That's all for now . . .

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Always thought Cape Cod was the only other place on the lower 48 that I could call home besides Sedona. Actually, I live in Cornville, zip code EIEIO. Wouldn't have it any other way. Left Virginia Beach more than 21 years ago. When I talk with friends or family back east I tell them about being stuck in traffic here, which means I had to stop for a cow, quail, roadrunner, feasting raven or some other form of life to clear the road. That hasn't changed in 21 years. Truly, open space is Arizona's greatest asset. Most of the people that come here get that. They go about their lives, tryng to make ends meet and appreciating what nature has to offer. Some, mostly big city folk, who think building and growing Sedona to suit their needs (the things they left behind) want to destroy it all. They usually end up running for some kind of political office. Those who think they can improve on nature have their heads stuck so far up their egos that they will never get it.

On the subject of egos and nature, I feel compelled to address a topic of considerable consternation along the highway connecting Sedona to Cottonwood.  A 40+foot statue has been erected by the Dahn Yoga owner, Ilchee Lee. While the area has proven time and tme again to be one of religious and spiritual tolerance, the blonde-haired, porcelain-white faced, Asain-eyed statue has a large group of citizens up in arms. Personally, I celebrate the tloerance and diversity of the area, but I believe the size of the statue calls into question its representation. The structure is called Mago, wich is supposed to represent Mother Earth or Mother Nature. Either way, a dedication to Gaia of such magnitude begs the question why it would be placed in a location that would block the red rock views and natural beauty created by Nature. The conflict bothers me. I feel the statue should have been about 4-feet tall and representative of the Native American Mother Earth. While they do have a giant Kokopelli, I wonder if they realize he represents not only seasonal changes, music, dancing and fertility, but, according to some of my Native friends, his Cassanova michief led Kokopelli to detach his penis and send it down the river to "have his way" with the innocent young maidens who were bathing in the stream. Older depictions showed more of a phallus, long and erect. Catholic priests cut it off and put a sash or cloth around future depictions while Christianizing the Indians.

So now, Kokopelli and Mago share park space alongside Harubang statues, and seven statues representing Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mother Mary, Confucius, Socrates, Dahn Guhn, and Chief Seattle. People of other faiths have commented on the lack of representation of their diety's icon. One even wrote to complain that there wasn't a Torah or the Ten Commandments, as followers of Judaism don't really have any icons. So, it seems many don't want anything there, some want everything there, some don't care what's there, some want the hair color changed, and I want something that actually represents Mother Earth - something that allows me to view and appreciate the original Mother Earth and not a giant piece of clay.

In all fairness, the crosses in the steeples in the Catholic church across the raod are taller, so tall, in fact, I can see Alaska from there.

That's all for now . . .

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Roof job completed - Bob Behmer, Tim, Kim, Nate et al were professional, responsive, thorough and fair. I couldn't have had a better experience. My roof looks great - and for the first time matches the color schemes of the rest of my house. We bought the house 18+ years ago, putting in a bid that was at first refused but accepted after the owner thought it was sold and moved to another area. After that deal fell through, our offer was accepted. Mind you, the house was interesting - no heater, I chopped wood for seven years - so, the owner had to carry the loan with 15% down. He had built the house for his first wife, who died in the house, the Kelly green house with green tiled roof. His next wife hated green, enter beige vinyl siding with matching beige soffit and cocoa brown fascia - and the 30-year green roof. Now the roof tile is brown and makes the house looks great.

December 8th's storm caused some damage and leakage resulting in damage. Already did insurance claim guy, blogged about that experience earlier - wasn't bad. Finding the right windows and door at an affordable rate is a tough task. Hoping all work is finished in 30 days, before my mom-in-law arrives from Cape Cod for 3 weeks. She's a good egg and mellowing with age. Actually, she's one of the few relatives I really like. Maybe it's because she listens to your likes and dislikes and almost always finds something to bring you that you are sure to enjoy - whether it be food, cooking tools, house things, like holiday trinkets and candles. For a couple of years she was involved in helping me decorate our house as the one with the tackiest Christmas lights and displays. We won for years, hands down. Hoping to pass those tools to a nephew with a sense of humor.

Heard from a dear old friend from North Carolina. We used to play music together in Woodbridge, Virginia and then years later in Norfolk and Virginia Beach. We went to rival high schools and didn't care. We created harmonies to Catholic hymns at Sunday mass. We were roommates once, along with his older brother. I learned a lot from those two. As time passed, I felt more the teacher and continue to enjoy our relationship. You know, you tell your blood relatives you love them, and you really do, but not usually because of how they are, but who they are. By that, I mean how they are around others - children, cats, dogs, plants, older people, strangers, relatives, friends. It's how we are that defines who we are.

An example: I was taking my wife to the dentist a hundred miles from our home. Six miles into the trip, I run out of gas - my car  - my responsibility. Now the computer says I have 102 miles before I'm in need of fuel. The fuel gauge itself reads over an eigth of a tank - and we stall - on the highway, nothing, bupkiss. I limp to the side of the road. She gets out, calls a neighbor, asks her to meet her to take her to her car and starts walking - cool as a cucumber. How she was at the time made we love who she is. There are always going to be myriad obstacles tossed our way in a variety of sizes, shapes and intensities. How we are about those everyday events defines who we are. I have been making a pool of friends based on how they are. Some I've known for a very long time, some I've not, others I have yet to meet and am looking forward to the experience.

Cardinals got spanked today, but that was to be expected. All the psychics are putting other people's money on the Saints to go all the way. I have liked them since the few fans they had at a time of continuous losing streaks would wear paper bags over their heads at the games and called the team the Aints. I guess I have always been a supporter of the underdog. I was so used to being the underdog, that my affection for the blue collar grunt with a pipe dream earned my salvo of cheers. The winds of victory for the Aints looks good this season since they caught a Brees. Way too poetic for late night. My friend needs positive thoughts for his back, so anyone reading this, send Tony's back some love and healing light.

That's all for now . . .

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I had little respect for Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh before their inane voluntary mental discharges today regarding the deadly natural disaster in Haiti. My wishes for the best possible outcome goes out the living and dead, trapped and wandering, poor and befuddled. I have always found it spiritually contradictory to wrap oneself in the shrowd of Jesus while spewing hateful intollerances of others of differing religions, races or political parties. A good friend recounted a story of growing up in a small Texas town about Christian people who sang, "Jesus loves the little children...red and yellow, black and white, they're all precious in his sight." I guess it may have sounded biased to sing, "Jesus loves the Christian children...red and yellow, black and white, if they're Christian they're all right." But that's what Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh spew - a genuine disdain for anyone who doesn't follow the tenants they chose as their reality.

Sunday at World Fellowship service in Cottonwood, Dr. Rev. Sue chose to repeat a thought we shared and a quote I had written in the Sedona Excentric a couple of years back..."What if some, or all of everything you thought to be true was wrong." As a nation, we don't seem to deal with "what ifs" well. We accept a premise, theory, axiom or postulation as fact or truth and then seek out others who agree. The more people who sign on, the easier it is to contol those who refuse, for they are the minority and not the believers of the accepted truth. Remember the confrontation between Galileo and Cardinal Bellarmino? - we're havin' an inquisition. Fortunately, many baby boomers in America are asking questions again, this timewithout fear of shunning or retribution from their government or loved ones and close friends who desire to stay the course.

Something else I enjoyed about working with Morrie (see previous blogs) was his love for the unknown and libertarian style of religious thought. We called ourselves Agnonstics because we knew there was something greater than human life - there just has to be. I mean, if this is the best the universe had to offer, climate change here we come. I heard the president of ASU is coming to NPR. The plug for the show included results from a poll that showed college grads don't have much of a desire to stay, work and play in Arizona, and Arizonans value the open space, terrain and environment as their greates assets. Someone should share that information with the Sedona City Council, a group seemingly hell bent on making sure land be used for whatever purpose may come along as long as that purpose isn't preservation. Many don't know that Pine Valley in the Village of Oak Creek was actually traded by the Forest Service for Florida swamp land. Now the Forest service did need that land to extend their Evergalde protection, but Pine Valley? Wise ranchers (actually land barons) are working the same magic in Seligman for General Crook Trail area land.

The same friend who recited the Jesus loving all the children song confessed that The Matrix was her favorite movie. Sadly, the media, in cooperation with major corporations and some government muckamucks have made it a reality in America. People are either ill-informed or uninformed, sometimes by choice, but usually by being force fed the crap the pruducers' owners decide to unveil under the guise of important breaking news. For years, everything from the crime rate, to identity theft, to the economic collapse was being blamed on illegal aliens. But not just any illegals, only those from south of the border who speak Spanish. Good thing that America never had a large group of British or French or Dutch or German or Italian or Irish or Polish or Russian or Asian enter without proper paperwork and visas. Otherwise, there may have been some negative assertions made of those people. I'm always amazed at how few people I meet are Native Americans, except of course for the Native Americans. Now there was a group of people with a bad immigration policy. Good thing they were so trusting. Sign here! A friend of mine from Australia once told me that they got the best deal - they got the British prisoners, we got the Puritans.

That's all for now . . .

Monday, January 11, 2010


Mentioned Morrie a couple of times. His name was Morris Horowitz, founder of the Sedona Excentric. My wife and I had moved from Virginia Beach, VA to Lake Havasu City thinking we still needed to be around water. Havasu was hell-  not just because in the time we lived there, April 27 1987 until April 27 1988, was it one of the hottest climates in North America, but because I was managing a restaurant/bar and working like hell for a nominal wage. We moved to the Village of Oak Creek after landing a job at Los Abrigados. I soon realized I wasn't cut out for restaurant management. The higher ups may have realized the same earlier than I. Anyway, I applied for a job schlepping furniture for Canyon State Moving Company. They offered a job the next day. I asked if they were as hard up as I was, for surely they must have noticed that with my build, I was probably only good for lifting the couch cushions. The office manager Sasha Valckuck laughingly confessed that they indeed were that desperate. I worked for a few months, lost weight and added muscle, but knew there was no way I would become a master furniture hauler.

While talking with Sasha one summer morning I mentioned reading a column in the local paper called "Ask the Record Man." I found it amusing, as I had been in rock and roll bands in Virgina for many years. I suggested the column's author was posessed with a wicked wit, but was a bit of an asshole and I would like to meet him. She said his name was Morrie and she would introduce me the next time he dropped her off at work, as they lived together. She assured me my apology was not necessary, for Morrie could at times be an asshole. She pointed me out the next morning, he waved and drove off. My wife and I were invited by Sasha to join her and Morrie for cocktails at Judi's Restaurant that Friday night. I wasn't sure what to expect, but as Morrie and I sat at the bar, drinking, the discussion turned to music. It turns out that Morrie had worked for Decca records in Michigan. Our backgrounds led to an evening of drinks and laughter and more drinks and musical trivia challenges and more drinks. Morrie was the first non-politician I had met that became more lucid the more he drank.

He tried to impress me by announcing The Strawbs were the band with the best harmonies and I back at him declaring I owned their only two released albums. We're old - this was vinyl. Not impressed, he told me of his 10,000 record collection - he and Sasha used to own a music store. In a feeble attempt to toss him a curve I exalted the Bonzo Dog Band, to which he named the musicians and what year they recorded their work. I was informed later that he had a selective photographic memore - music albums - the musicians, dates and studios recorded. After many drinks he asked what I was doing wasting my life schlepping furniture and asked me to come work with him on the Key to Sedona Coupon Books. I agreed.

In the midst of selling advertising ot the second run of the KeY to Sedona, Morrie started the Sedona Excentric. He gave away and traded for a couple of ads and put out two eight-page papers. he started this paper after drinking with the publisher of another publication who bet him he couldn't do it and would print it if he did. Well, he also charged a hefty fee for the printing. With the third issue in the computer, Morrie came to me and announced he was a bout to write a bad check for the coming issue and needed me to go out and sell some ads to pay for it. I put the Key on hold and headed Uptown, where I fould 4 business owners amused enough with the first two editions, to back the next four. Returning with $420, Morrie jumped with
glee, grabbed my arm, told me that the paper only cost $400 to print and we had made a $20 profit and needed to celebrate - on to Judi's. We never looked back. Later, I'll tell you the shrewd tactics we employed while creating a publishing empire.

That's all for now . . .

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Yesterday, traveled to Dewey, AZ so my wife could play with some very young Beagle puppies. It's been a little over 2 years since our 14-year-old Spaniel, Tess, left us. Tess was special. I know everyone thinks they're pet is special, but Tess laid down to die at age 10 due to Auto Immune Deficiency - a common ailment among overbread puppy-mill Spaniels. Tess was a Humane Society pup. The Sedona Humane Society is stellar, and has been for a long time. Tess was taken to a vet who suggested sending her to phoenix for a transfusion, if they found a match, and an overnight stay, with no guarantees. My wife and I had decided Tess would die in our arms and not in a strange hospital miles away. The vet's assistant volunteered to go home and bring in her Boxer and let the vet hook them up to a love transfusion. We agreed and the deed was set into motion. It took a few hours and we took her home. We were told that if she lived through the night she might live a litttle longer. The assistant also said that if she made it, she might be a little dumber, because her Boxer wasn't that bright. We sat up all night watching her breathe. The next day the meds had worn off and Tess seemed as though she would pull through. An interesting coincidence was that the Boxer was named Tesla. Tess lived on for another 4 wonderful years. That, and everything else about her, made her special.

Dewey was a bonding dya, as the pups' mom had gotten scratched and her mammaries became infected. The caregiver, a Beagle champion breeder for nearly 40 years was under vet's suggestion to megaphone her head and keep her away from the pups until she recovered. A bunch of people came and loved on the puppies and got some lickings and pup nips with those sharp, little teeth. Everyone's socks survived the tugs of war, the puppies always winning. Our cat, Moshe, prevents us from puppy adoption. After Tess died, she took over the house and our lives. She's named after my former business partner, friend and mentor, Morrie, Morris, Moshe in Hebrew. Like Morrie, our cat is not a devout Jew, not even close. I remember making Morrie a pulled-pork barbecue sandwich. After devouring the tender, saucy, coleslaw topped pork he commented, "We are a stupid people. This is one of the best things I have ever eaten." He also loved Christmas, along with just about every other gentile holiday. He lived each day in celebration. There is much to say about our short relationship, but one of my favorite quotes of his was, "I can't understand why people would say 'Today is the first day of the rest of your life.' I would prefer to live as if I knew today was the last day of my life, making sure to tell everyone how much I love them and how sorry I am for any harm caused."

Morrie is the reason there is a Sedona Excentric publication. I plan to devote some blog space to talk about how we met and how he influenced my life. His effect continues, as tomorrow I begin working on February's Excentric. Meeting with Butterfly Lady tommorow to find out who she is and how she can fit into the arts and crafts shows we promote. Come to think of it, tomorrow is going to be a busy day, as it will include measuring to replace storm damaged windows and emailing the folks from Bone Marrow Registry USA to discuss working with their organization at our art shows.

Salad time.

That's all for now . . .

Friday, January 8, 2010


Time to cut back the rose bushes. Mild temperatures have kept me from trimming the roses, but today my wife and I venture out back and cut those babies back. Having state forest behind my houselends to some incredible views and offers the animal kingdom space to play and fight. Today, 3 ferrel cats were going at it, 1 male with gals fighting over his manhood. After 23 blissful years of marriage, I think my wife is of the "if you want him, you can have him" frame of mind. So far, I only seem to be attracting elderly women at the grocery stores wanting my pony tail. Ah, if they only knew how well I cooked.

Had some friends from idaho stop by yesterday. Was amazed what I could do with garbanzo beans - one recipe with garlic, tahini and roasted red peppers and some flavoring, and the other an experiment with parsley, basil, garlic and cream cheese and some spices. Everyone raved. I had somembites, but am not a hummus fan, although I thought my recipes were more than palatible, which I can't say for store bought stuff. I told my friends I knew little of idaho, excepting a quote from someone, and I'm paraphrasing, I was 35 before I realized we could leave Idaho. At least I think it was Idaho. Anyway, the evening went much better than anticipated and the conversation was kept light.

My wife knows to sit within kicking distance of my legs whenever we get together with anyone for any reason, just in case the topics go political or religious or social or anything I else I have strong opinions about. It's not like I don't appreciate the opinions of others, I just think many people are not informed enough to offer any opinion on just about any topic, and should therefore keep the conversation about theselves and their lives, something about which they at least have some first hand knowledge. I would have a difficult time disagreeing with somone who talked about how they felt about their work day. Unless they had an interesting job, I might get bored after a while, but at least I know they could back up whatever they felt.

I've noticed the older I get, the more tolerant I have become. That may seem like a contradiction to the sentence preceeding it, but I feel there is a difference in listening to people spout off about the material world and their involvement with it and subjects leaning toward the ethereal nature of humankind. I have always considered myself a spiritual being, but now I see my influence in others' lives as being significant. Actually, I think I am learning to understand better each other's influence in each other's lives. My former business partner used to say, "If we are all one, which one are we?" I love that. But as I age, I realize that not only are we all one with each other, but are all one with everything that exists, known and unknown.

Well, this has gotten way more philosophical than I intended. So, I think it's time for some earthly grounding and cutting back the rose bushes.

That's all for now . . .

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Got my car back from Canyon Auto. Same day service - unbleievable. Had to drop my wife at work and pick her up, near the new Talquepaque bridge. What a cluster u-no-what! It would take street hawkers used to working the streets of Storyville in New Orleans in its heyday to convince traffic to stray from the meandering maze that once was SR179. Of course, I think they should pave Schnebly Hill Road and make it one-way from Flagstaff and make the switchbacks one-way to Flagstaff with a connecting bridge to both somewhere along the way for the confused and locals, who are also often confused. You would think ADOT would have built in dollars for businesses they plan to prevent from having any opportunity of selling anything. You'd think the landlord would cut their tennants some slack. You'd think the city would defer taxes for a period. But nobody gives a rat's patoot about their fellow business person. Maybe they're all waiting for the going-out-of-business-sale. Everything must go - including the employess that must look for another minimum wage job with no benefits.

Disappointed I wasn't invited to the People's Choice Awards. There was an obvious shortage of hecklers. Everyone (must be under 28 to enter) was soooooo nice. The winners all gave the same thank you speech - I'd like to thank the people. Not one salute to any other animals or plant life or inanimate object, giving each of the winners the appearance of an inanimate object.

Old friends, seldom seen, coming by tomorrow for drinks and hummus with tahini. Separation does something to people. It gives you an opportunity to grow in whatever direction you were heading without the influence and interference of someone you once felt close to - whose opinion you valued. Now you meet again for the first time to discover you are at political odds - they blame the illegal immigration of southerners for the downfall of America's economy and I blame the greedy bastard fat cats that sucked every cent out of an unregulated money hungry system void of morals and a conscience all together. Who knows? Maybe they're right. I suppose 12 percent of the population could drain 90 percent of its wealth. But it would have to be done in Spanish, so no one would ever figure it out until it was too late.

Oh well, maybe some roasted red bell peppers and galic in the hummus will smoothe everything out and it will be a grand evening. Fun will be had by all. If the conversation gets too sticky, my wife will find a way to kick me - a subtle, but effective signal to tell me to shut the hell up. At which point, I could challenge the loudest debater to a game of bowling on our Wii system and tell him exactly where to place his balls.

That's all for now . . .

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Finally took down decorations and posted January's Excentric online. Checked blood sugar - 178 - I can live with that. Decided to do some Wii  bowling. Best was 211 out of 8 games - 4 right-handed, 4 left. Followed with some fitness games, totaled about 45 minutes and rechecked blood - 97. Wonder if that means I'm supposed to exercise, then eat a candy bar. Did work up a sweat and need pain killers for my back. Good thing the ball is so light - ha. The Dec 8 storm from the south caused some damage to my house. John DiBatista is going to make it better.

One of the rewards of living in a small town for a period of time is getting to know and befriend people who are there when you need them. John brought Tim of Behmer Roofing to assess roof replacement. Turns out Tim knew Morrie, my former friend, mentor and business partner. We talked about the good old days of Sedona - the Wrenwood, softball and a time when everyone got along, even if they disagreed. Hard to  believe Morrie left April 1994 - nearly 16 years ago. Damn! I still miss him. We made each other laugh. there aren't too many people to banter ideas with. Thank goodness there's still Bishop and Bob at Raven's Nest and Reverend Joel. I can get my wife to luagh at my stuff, but only if i fall while I'm reading - she really loves slapstick. So, if you see me around and I'm heavily bruised, I've bust been reading some Excentric stuff to my wife.

Taking car in to Canyon Auto tomorrow for a physical. Denny and his crew are truly the best. Again, small town relationships. Have to keep it in good running order now that it's paid off. Read where 2009 was the worst year for car sales in 30 years. Wonder if anybody surveyed who bought a car thoroughly enjoyed their experience. I mean, come on, who looks forward to buying a car? I wonder if they looked at service stations to see if they had a banner 2009. If people were getting shoes resoled and electronics rewired, I assume they had their cars serviced. I admit I don't understand economics. It's not like they printed any less money - it just seems different people have it and aren't as willing to part with it. If stocks sell, doesn't somebody hae to buy them? I think the money holders don't like the political swing in the U.S. and are actively attempting to derail the current administration. Maybe they want everything to suck for 4 years and then they come to the rescue and make it all better. Maybe we can find better ways for colleges to spend money than on the millions they throw at sports. Ever wonder if the university that pays their football coack 4 million bucks a years could find a super vaccine for H1N1? If only we could get tens of thousands of people to flock to an arena every week to cheer on scientists. Go nerds, go!

That's all for now . . .

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Picked up and did a partial devilery of Sedona Excentric January issue yesterday. Got pulled over outside Phoenix by highway patrol. Luckily, was given warning to sign instead of ticket. Trip south on I17 was actually enkoyable, barring the 20-minute delay for the speeding lecture. picked papers up in Phoenix and headed to Scottsdale via 101E and proceeded to deliver to resorts up and down Scottsdale Road and up Camelback to Phoenician. Go as far as 3rd St. in Scottsdale before turning around and delivering the other side of Scottsdale Rd. Intersting responses by resort employees to the news that Michael Moore was coming to Sedona for the 16th Annual Sedona International Film Festival in February. The younger people were excited, while the older ones demonstrably disapproved, one of them even suggesting he be pushed over a cliff. Their political affiliation was rather obvious.

The drive to Prescott Valley from Phoenix was one of the worst in the eight years I have been delivering to the south. With two collegiate bowl games, the Insight Bowl with Minnesotans and Iowans battling New Year's Eve and the Fiesta Bowl Jan 4 with Idahoans meeting Texans, I imagine alumni with money or available credit were on our roads, heads out the windows, cameras in hand. After all, Arizona is a beautiful state, even on I17 from Phoenix to Sedona. It took a while to pass them all - they refused to get over, forcing a lot of lane changing for people who know how to drive. I wondered if their 2010 resolution was to drive as if only they existed. these are the people that incite road rage - driving 55 in a 75 zone, in the left lane. Delivered in Prescott Valley and headed to Costco and Petsmart for supplies. Then it was on to Camp Verde, Cottonwood and Jerome. Jerome was slammed - harldy a parking space in town. Finished back in Cottonwood ending at Fry's - more shopping then home. It all makes for a long day - about 10 hours. My wife had made Mexican lasagna for dinner. Uneventful evening, planning next day's delivery in Sedona, Village of Oak Creek and Garland's Indian Gardens in the Canyon.

Left for Sedona about 9:30am to deliver. First time in 20 years delivering on a Sunday, but holiday dates screwed up timing. A few places were closed, meaning delivery again tomorrow, but a short day. Will post paper online tomorrow upon return home - then a couple of days down time before planning February issue.
Getting ready for my wife's sweet potato peanut soup and 60 Minutes.

That's all for now . . .

Friday, January 1, 2010


Woke up in 2010 - a feat in itself. Besides terrific dinner made at home, New Year's Eve was quiet. Watched Sunshine Cleaning last night. Had cinnamon buns and coffee for breakfast, also smashed some heated deviled eggs on a piece of toast. Watched some football games - usually root for underdog - no favorites - no alumni - no loyalty. I do think the wages coaches get for collegiate athletics is out of bounds.

Heading to Scottsdale in the early a.m. to pick up and deliver January's Excentric. Will be a long day. Weather promises to be decent. Made an error on art show ad dates. Art for Sedona Sake arts and crafts show should be March 27/28 - the last weekend of the month, not the first weekend the 6th and 7th.

Spent good part of afternoon looking at replacement windows online. My wife and I finally found a couple we could agree on. While 2009 was one hell of a tough year, I expect 2010 to go slowly foward. A twenty percent gain would be quite welcome. Getting tired of learning to live with less and just say no to items I admittedly can live without.

Fried calamari odor waning, but revisited tonight with leftovers in the toaster oven. Of yeah, wrote to Governor Jan Brewer. I am not pleased to hear about the closing of Arizona's state parks. Perhaps we could follow California's lead and have the government take a week off without pay every other month. Those funds could go to the parks not turning a profit and improve the gift shops by stocking the shelves with things people would actually buy - photos of themselves with an Arizona Bigfoot, snake bite antivenom, coin slots for men's urinals with a picture of a scorpion on the bowl and of course rubber tarantulas.

Need to sleep.

That's all for now . . .